As schooling became a government mandate and government sponsored it was designed to serve the industrial complex. Math and science became the focus and the arts have become less and less important. How dangerous is this thinking in a world where creativity is paramount. Where will the next thing come from? What is the next big idea? How do we use the new ideas we have? We need kids who are creative in their thinking. We need flexible thinkers. Creativity in science and math is the source of all the great discovery. We need to celebrate creativity.
Are grades and standardized tests immobilizing our students? Is the focus on content instead of process making students who don't enjoy school. Give me your thoughts.
Schools do not notice , nurture and value creativity . In an advirtising agency creativity is as usefull as a petrol tank in a motor car and in schools it is as usefull as an ashtray on a motorbike ......... PS I've put hundreds of jokes on the internet . You don't have to be ( accademicaly ) smart to that .