Friday, December 4, 2009

What do you want your child to be?

Successful, Happy, or Good?

At a faculty meeting recently Dave Monaco referenced Tony Campolo's posed question: Do you want your child to be, "Successful", "Happy", or "Good"? The answer differs from culture to culture.

 Many westerners answer that they would like their children to be "happy." This focus on becoming happy often leads people to see themselves as unhappy as they compare themselves to others who have more than they do.

 In eastern cultures many answer that they want their children to be "successful." This drive for success often leads people to feel less than successful.

 But those that wish their children to be "good," often end up with children that are happy and successful.

I hope with all hope that my kids strive to be "GOOD."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Who students are today

Students today are very different from students of just a few years ago.  Access to information, interaction while digital media and digital social networking have changed how they communicate and interact.  It changes how they see and interact with the world.

Here are two great videos explaining who today's students are.

from a college perspective:

From a K-12 Perspective:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Classroom layout = classroom type

The physical layout of the classroom environment dictates they type of classroom you can have.  There is no chance making this class a discussion based class

Traditional Classroom = lecture

Work groups = Collaborative class

Discussion Class

What do I believe?

I believe in the power of people to make a difference.  I believe all people can and want to learn.  I believe I have a lot to learn.  I believe children are great teachers.  I believe I found my calling.  I believe I am not good enough.  I believe I can be better. I believe there's a better way.  I believe we are in a hurry.  I believe my parents want the best for me and were mostly right most of the time.  I believe being a parent is the hardest and most important thing I will ever do.  I believe my children believe in me.

I believe ........

What do you believe?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Blog Post

So, I will introduce myself to the blogoshpere. I am creating this blog to write my thoughts about science, science teaching, education in general, education and the 21st century, biology, psychology, soccer, poker, random musings, deep and not so deep thoughts.